Having stronger or Bigger arms can give you confidence in your job place. Bigger arms show you are more interested in athletics and sports. For having a biceps and triceps are not so easy.This required upper body exercise. If you want any lifting type of things it is important you need to have strong arms which will help you to lift things up.
The two main muscle which is responsible for the upper arms is the biceps and triceps. The best exercise for your biceps is lifting or curling weights up towards your shoulder. You need to exercise 2-3 times a week for biceps and triceps growth. Let’s talk about the different exercises you need to perform.
To build the mass of your biceps you need a combination of compound and isolation movements using some heavyweights for the best number of quality reps. It is important you need to choose the right exercise for you to build your upper body part which includes biceps and triceps. If you want to increase arm mass then doing the tricep exercise is good for you. Tricep workout can help you to grow two-third of your arm size.
Table of Contents
Concentration curl for bigger arms
1. It is very simple to sit at the end of a bench with your legs open in a v shape.
2. Grab a dumbbell with one hand and do the forward lifting.
3. Rest your elbow against the inside of your thigh.
4. Lift the dumbbells towards your chest.
5. Repeat this for 15-20 times.
6. Alternate your arms.
Cable curl
Cabel curl can be done in so many ways. You can attach the cable to a machine then slowly lift your arms towards your chest. It will keep some pressure on your biceps and triceps. The study tells muscle protein is synthesis every 40- 70 hours which means you can only work 2- 3 times a week to achieve your optimal growth.
1. Stand a couple of feet from the machine and pull your elbow towards your chest.
2. Don’t move your foot, keep it still.
3. Do it for 10-15 repetitions.
Barbell curl
It is a classic bicep exercise. It is important not to move your body while doing this exercise. You can start this exercise through lightweight.
1. Stand straight with balancing your body, keep your feet about shoulder-width apart.
2. Hold the barbell with your arms at your side, palms facing out.
3. Slowly and steadily move the barbell towards your chest, Keep your chest still, using only your arms to lift the barbell.
4. Repeat this exercise 12-15 times.
Dumbbell bench press
Lie on a flat bench, holding dumbbells by your shoulders with palms facing. Drive your feet into the floor and press the weights straight up for the better result. Then slowly bring back to the start position. In this way, you do at least 4 sets and each set should contain 10-15 repetitions to make your arms stronger.
Concentration curl
It is very simple to sit down on the bench and rest your arm against your right leg. Curl the weight up, pause, then lower. Repeat with the other arm. The arm flexors and lateral head of the biceps to gain the strength for performing the best performance.
For this exercise, you need a bar that needs to be high enough from the ground that your feet won’t touch the floor when your arms are extended. This is the best exercise for you to grow your arms and strengthen your upper part. This is one of the traditional exercises with 100% working.
1. Hold the bar and both arms up so that your palms are facing you.
2. Grab the bar with both hands. Steady your body. You may cross your legs for more stability.
3. Slowly exhale and move your body upward by bending your elbows.
4. Pause your moment for some time then slowly move your position towards the ground.
5. Repeat this exercise for 12-15 times.
Triangle pushup
The triangle pushes up are more effective for your triceps. It only needs your body weight to do this exercise. Doing this exercise is very effective and it will be going to give you a result within 10 days of doing. This exercise also can easily be done at home. If you want to increase arm mass then doing the tricep exercise is good for you. Tricep workout can help you to grow two-third of your arm size.
1. First, you need to be in a common pushup position with only your toes and hands touching the floor.
2. Keep your legs straight, make forefingers and thumbs forming a triangle between your hands.
3. Push your back up in a straight position.
4. Repeat this exercise for 10-15 times.
This exercise can easily be done at home. You only need a bench, simply place your hands behind on the bench or chair. and also perform dips In front of the bench. You can perform this exercise which is very easy and more effective for your triceps.
1. Grip the bench with your arms straight down by your side.
2. You simply need to bend your knees to keep touching the floor.
3. Straighten your arms until your back come’s to the straight position.
4. Repeat this exercise for 10-12 times.
Dumbbell kick-ack
You can perform this with both arms at the same time. But doing it separately will help you to focus on each arm separately will help you in the long run. While doing the exercise stop at the top and bottom of each repetition. Repeat this for 7-10 times. If you want to increase arm mass then doing the tricep exercise is good for you. Tricep workout can help you to grow two-third of your arm size.
This is the best exercise to make your triceps and biceps to grow. All you need to do is follow the advice given at the top to achieve your goals. For beginners, it will be difficult in the beginning but after a few days, you will enjoy it while doing this.