Signs of Sleep Apnea: Symptoms, Cause & Treatment

Signs of Sleep Apnea Symptoms, Cause & Treatment

Signs of Sleep apnea is a popular and potentially serious sleep disorder in which your breathing is repeatedly obstructed while you sleep.  It is a very serious disease if you don’t take the right step for treatment. Basically, sleep apnea can provide some serious diseases like heart disease while enhancing your possibility of stroke and … Read more

What is Cirrhosis of The Liver? Cause, Treatment, Symptoms

What is Cirrhosis of The Liver Cause, Treatment, Symptoms

Cirrhosis of the liver is the last stage of scarring of the liver originated by various kinds of liver diseases and conditions which is very dangerous for you. Every point your liver is damaged easily by a disease like hepatitis and chronic alcoholism, excessive alcohol consumption. When it attempts to repair itself then it results … Read more

How Can We Cure Stomach Pain by Anjeer?

How Can We Cure Stomach Pain by Anjeer

Cure stomach pain by anjeer:  Anjeer helps to cure your stomach pain and other stomach problems too. According to Ayurveda consuming two to four soaked anjeer can help you to prevent constipation. If you eating fast or junk food this increases the stress levels and depression in the large intestine and causes constipation. During this … Read more

Precordial Catch Syndrome: Syndrome, Cause & Treatment

Precordial Catch Syndrome Syndrome, Cause & Treatment

Precordial catch syndrome mainly causes of chest pain in adults nowadays. Precordial mainly causes in front of the heart which is where a person feels the pain. It also knows as Texidor’s twitch. It is very painful it normally goes away on its low. Syndrome has no lasting impact. In this article, we will talk … Read more

How to get rid of a pimple on lip: Cause & Treatments

How to get rid of a pimple on lip Cause & Treatments

Pimple on Lip: Pimples can develop anywhere on the body including along your lip line. Mainly the red bumps with a white center form clogged hair follicles become inflamed. pimple on lip can become infected when bacteria get inside it makes it more dangerous. Many people find that common factors such as stress, makeup, or … Read more

Candida Die-off Symptoms: What it is, Cause, Treatment

Candida Die-off Symptoms What it is, Cause, Treatment

Candida die-off symptoms are a negative reaction which is caused by the rapid removal of the yeast candida from the body. It is also referred to as Herx reaction means an adverse response to toxins released by bacteria and fungus when they are killed by antibiotics and antifungal medications. It is alarming and unpleasant and … Read more

Marie Antoinette Syndrome: Cause,Treatment & Diagnosis

Marie Antoinette Syndrome Cause,Treatment & Diagnosis

Marie Antoinette syndrome is a situation where someone’s hair turns white suddenly. The name of this condition comes from french queen Marie Antoinette whose hair turned white suddenly before her execution in 1793. When you grow old you start to lose meaning pigments that are responsible for your hair color. But this condition is not … Read more

Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD): Symptoms, Treatment

Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Symptoms, Treatment

A Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a type of mental condition that fluctuations in mood and behavior. A lot of people struggle with relationships as well as lose their image and self-respect in front of other persons. Quit Borderline personality disorder(BPD) is difficult to diagnose and treat. You need to consult some best psychological … Read more

White Spots on Tonsils: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

White Spots on Tonsils Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

If you see white spots on tonsils then you need to be concerned. This may appear around the tonsils and throughout the mouth. It results in difficulty while you eating something mainly it creates problems during swallowing the food. Some of the other symptoms white tonsils include coughing, sneezing, painful swallowing, throat discomfort, and many … Read more

Sore Throat : Treatment and Diagnosis- Remedies for Pain & Cures

Sore Throat Treatment and Diagnosis- Remedies for Pain & Cures

A sore throat refers to pain, itchiness, or irritation of the throat. Mainly the throat pain is the primary symptom of a sore throat. It gets worse when you trying to eat something because you can feel the pain and difficulty while you are swallowing food and liquids. It is very painful and you can … Read more