Top Tips For A Glowing Eyes | Homemade Beauty Tips for Eyes

Glowing eyes helps you to communicate with a lot of people easily. It can also help you to attract all the focus towards you. When your iris is high in contrast and the sclera ( white part) of your help to show the glows in your eyes which conveys some excitement, vitality, and health. The photography you see in the magazine or any cover photo makes the model eyes looks glowing and sparking to attract the people to read the magazine.

Top Tips For A Glowing Eyes  Homemade Beauty Tips for Eyes

Even some celebrity social media photos also edited to give some glows in there eyes to give them sexier looks. There are so many easy tasks that are there to boost the health and sparkle of your eyes. So let’s talk about how to take care of your sparkling and glowing eyes.


1. Avoid dry air

Air at high altitude has smoke and dry wind can damage your eyes. When your eyes don’t have enough moisture they can make your eyes red and also irritation. Try to carry eye drops to make your eye hydrate your eyes. So it is better to avoid dry air to increase the glowing ness of your eye.

2. Put green tea bags on your eyes

If your eyes are irritated, swollen, and red eyes, Placing green tea bags on your eyes which will help you to increase the glowing ness of your eyes.
How to use it
a. Add the teabag in some cool water.
b. Keep the tea bags cool for some time in the fridge for 10 minutes.
c. Place them on your eyes for 20 minutes it will help you to have the glowing eyes.

3. Intake of omega fatty acids

omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid supplements which are very effective for dry eye. Just increase your fatty acids inputs which will help you to increase the glowing ness and sparkling in your eyes. The good source of omega fatty acids are
a. salmon fish
b. fish oil
c. walnuts

4. Use rose water

Rosewater has anti-inflammatory and anti-infective effects. It is the best remedy to improve your eye’s condition.
How to use it
a. Take some 4 spoons of rose water.
b. Add some water into the rose water.
c. Use some cotton ball soaked in rose water and gently apply on your eyes and keep it for 10 minutes. It helps to reduce the swelling or puffiness and many more advantages.

Note- Consult to the eye doctor before using it.

5. Use cucumbers to avoid puffiness

cucumber contains antioxidant properties which help to make your eyes glow. It helps to reduce the tiredness in your eyes.
How to use it
a. Cut the cucumber into small slices
b. Apply that slice to each on your eyelid for 20 minutes which helps to refresh your eyes and skin and gives you a glowing eye.

6. Try eye massage

A massage your eyes helps to boost your blood circulation under your eyes which reduces the appearance of dark circles under your eyes.
How to do massage
a. Use the fingertips to gently tap, slow massage around the eyes to increase the blood flow.
b. Start your massage from eyebrows then move your fingertips towards the edge of your eyes.
c. Using your middle fingers, press upward on either side of your nose, right below your brow bone.

7. Use skin bleaches

Nowadays people are coming into contact with several chemicals in day to day life. Some of the examples of the chemicals are detergent, cleaning agent. The best way to avoid this is to stay away from all these to avoid damage to the skin. so use some natural bleaches to lighten the skin tone to look more attractive and to remove the dark lines under the eyes, which will help you to have glowing skin. If you don’t look good people will not going to give you respect and you will never be going to put the impact on them on your first meet.

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