Precordial Catch Syndrome: Syndrome, Cause & Treatment

Precordial catch syndrome mainly causes of chest pain in adults nowadays. Precordial mainly causes in front of the heart which is where a person feels the pain. It also knows as Texidor’s twitch. It is very painful it normally goes away on its low. Syndrome has no lasting impact. In this article, we will talk about the precordial catch syndrome symptoms along with why it occurs and what can be done to treat it.

Precordial Catch Syndrome Syndrome, Cause & Treatment

Facts on precordial catch syndrome

precordial catch syndrome was first discovered by Miller and Texidor in 1995. They describe it as a sharp, stabbing pain that started suddenly. People basically face the problem of syndrome tend to grow out of it by the time they reach their 20s. There is no requirement of any big treatment but anti-inflammatory medicine will be going to help you to reduce the pain. Some doctor gives advice that taking a deep breath makes precordial catch syndrome go away. Those who experience syndrome it is advised to take shallow breaths until the pain goes away.

Symptoms of precordial catch syndrome

precordial catch syndrome normally occurs when a person is at rest or any bending position. They will stary feel like a needle-like pain in the chest when breathing in. Basically, women feel the pain below the left nipple. This pain lasts for a few minutes. It can occur anytime in a day once or maybe multiple times throughout the day. It will be very painful if you start taking deep breaths. The severity of pain varies from person to person some experience mild pain.

Causes of precordial catch syndrome

Till now we can’t tell the actual cause for precordial catch syndrome. The sudden pain on the chest always very scary, it is not caused by a heart attack or lung disease.
According to the scientist, they think that the pain caused by syndrome is caused by nerves getting pinched or irritated in the inner lining of the chest wall.
The precordial catch syndrome can come anytime and go very suddenly, and they may start in the chest wall, ribs, or connective tissue.
This is mainly due to the growth spurt, bad posture, or an injury, such as a blow to the chest.

Who is at risk?

Precordial catch syndrome is most common in teenagers and young adults, but children as young as 6 years old can also experience it.
In some cases, we can see that it also observed in adults too.


A doctor will rule out other, more serious causes of chest pain by taking a full medical history, assessing symptoms, and asking about any other health problems.

They will usually carry out a physical examination of the chest, looking for tenderness and listening to the heart and lungs. Syndrome is harmless and very common. In most cases, a doctor will not need to do any tests to diagnose it.

The doctor mainly checks the heart and lungs and checking the blood pressure and pulse, there may be no other tests or screenings involved.
If the doctor feels the heart facing some problems, and not precordial catch syndrome, your child may require additional testing.
Unless they need some other caring If your doctor diagnoses the condition as precordial catch syndrome.
You need to know which test is for which case so that you can easily avoid unnecessary testing. Furthermore, if you still believe your child’s problem is more serious than precordial syndrome, and you’re concerned your doctor may have missed something, don’t hesitate to get another medical opinion.


The precordial catch syndrome is very painful, it will go away on its own, so you don’t need any specific treatment is not usually needed.
If your Doctors may recommend an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory to help relieve the pain but most of the time you don’t need this.
The best solution is seatback relaxing and takes some slow breaths this will help, as may changing posture from slouching or being bent over to sitting upright. Due to the wrong posture that may trigger precordial catch syndrome more painful, sitting up taller may help prevent future episodes.

Some doctor gives advice that taking a deep breath makes precordial catch syndrome go away. Those who experience it is advised to take shallow breaths until the pain goes away.
People may also benefit from being reassured that the condition is harmless.

How is precordial catch syndrome treated?

If the diagnosis is done no specific treatment is needed. Your doctor may recommend a non prescription pain reliever, such as ibuprofen (Motrin). The best thing you can do is take slow, gentle breaths that can help the pain disappear. Anyway, in some cases, you can also prefer some deep breath or two may get rid of the pain, though those breaths may hurt for a moment.
Some doctor gives advice that taking a deep breath makes precordial catch syndrome go away. Those who experience it is advised to take shallow breaths until the pain goes away.

Due to the wrong posture that may trigger more painful, sitting up taller may help prevent future episodes. If you notice your child hunched over while sitting, try to get them in the habit of sitting and standing straighter with shoulders back.


precordial catch syndrome normally occurs when a person is at rest or any bending position. They will stary feel like a needle-like pain in the chest when breathing in., No specific treatment is needed. The best thing you can do is take slow, gentle breaths that can help the pain disappear.

Some doctor gives advice that taking a deep breath makes precordial catch syndrome go away. Those who experience precordial catch syndrome it is advised to take shallow breaths until the pain goes away. The severity of pain varies from person to person some experience mild pain. Due to the wrong posture that may trigger precordial catch syndrome more painful, sitting up taller may help prevent future episodes.

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