How To Pierce Your Ear At Home Without Pain | Step By Step

How to pierce your ear: Piercing your ears is glamorous, It is a little bit tricky but there are several ways to pierce your ears without it hurting. If you want to pierce your ears then go to a professional who will help you to pierce and you will not going to face any big trouble while doing it. So let’s talk about the process of piercing your ear.

How To Pierce Your Ear

Step 1

Placing up the pierce

Use some alcohol-based solution to clean your ear properly. It is important that you need to properly clean your ear so that there should be no bacteria and germs. If there will be any bacteria then chances of infection increase which is very bad for you and piercing will hurt your ears. So it is better to take proper precautions.

Step 2
Use some marker to mark the place where you want to pierce, Otherwise your piercing will be too high or too low. The marking should be done in the right place. Otherwise, it will be tough while doing the piercing.

Step 3
Use some sterile needle to hollow the marked place. It is important to do not share your needle with other people, It may lead to infection. Make sure you do it gently so that pierce your ears without it hurting much.

Step 4
Take the earing whichever you like to wear in your ear. And it is advised to use some good quality of metal such as silver, gold, or titanium earing so that the chances of infection will be very low. Which is good for you.pierce your ears without it hurting is not a big thing but you need to take some precaution and do it very gently and slowly. This is the right key.

Is it safe to pierce my earlobe with a sewing needle?

Yes, Is it safe to pierce my earlobe with a sewing needle. We need to heat the ear needle to a high temperature so that whatever bacteria or germs present on the needle will die and the chances of infection will be very low. Then slowly push the needle in the earlobe. It only takes you a few seconds and you easily pierce your ears without it hurting. Simply, anyone can do it at home too. Just clean that place with an alcohol-based solution every day so that the chances of spreading infection in earlobe will be minimized.

Pierce your ear cartilage

Piercing ear cartilage is a very painful process. You can also do it from the professional or you can do it at home. The health risk of piercing the ear cartilage is not so much. But you need to take proper care after piercing to avoid unnecessary infection at the ear. Used sterilized needles to reduce the chances of allergic. Clean your ear using antibacterial soap which is a very good option for you.

Pierce your ears with a gun

An ear-piercing gun is designed to pierce earlobes by hollowing the love. It is more used in a jewelry shop, tattoo centers. The use of a piercing gun is very dangerous so use them with proper concern and precaution. A piercing gun can lead affect your skin tissue. Which is not a positive symbol for using them.

How to pierce your ear via gun

It normally uses a spring to convert the potential energy to kinetic energy when you pull the trigger for the ear piercing. The earlobe is inserted between the two parts of the ear gun. Then slowly close the instrument to put all the pressure to hole the ear lobe.

Pierce your ear with an earring

Take the earing whichever you like to wear in your ear. But it is advised to use some good quality of metal such as silver, gold, or titanium earing so that the chances of infection will be very low. Which is good for you.pierce your ears without it hurting is not a big thing but you need to take some care.

We need to heat the ear needle to a high temperature so that whatever bacteria or germs present on the needle will die and the chances of infection will be very low. Then slowly push the needle in the earlobe. It only takes you a few seconds and you easily pierce your ears without it hurting. Simply, anyone can do it at home too. Just clean that place with an alcohol-based solution every day so that the chances of spreading infection in earlobe will be minimized.

Is it a bad idea to pierce your ear at home

Ear piercing is not so dangerous. But if the pierced isn’t done with proper care then it causes severe infection or allergies. Which causes swollen ear. This is a very tense situation for the doctor and the patient. Still, if you don’t take proper care of your ear then you may lose your hearing power or more worst be you may lose your ear due to severe infection.


Now days pierce ear is very trending for girls and men as well. It gives you a glamorous and attractive look. pierce your ears it not going to hurt if you do from the professional but they will charge some good amount or you can do it in your home. By taking some proper care and treatment to take care of your ear so that the chances of infection spreading will be in the least. If you want to pierce your ear safely then you need to use some good quality of metal.

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