Hair Loss Prevention And Treatment, Home Remedies

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Hair loss is the most common problem faced by millions of peoples worldwide. Every day a guy can lose more than 150 hairs per day which is very risky. There are so many reasons for hair loss which include diet, medication, stress, pollution, and genetics problems. So let us talk about the natural solutions which will help you to prevent hair loss.

Hair Loss Prevention And Treatment, Home Remedies

1. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo
A regular wash with shampoo preventing hair loss by keeping your scalp clean. It reduces the risk of infection of scalp which is a good positive symbol.

2. Less Vitamin A
Vitamin A is an essential component of your hair growth. Vitamin E also plays a vital role in blood circulation in the scalp which helps in better growth of the hair very fast.

3. Consume more protein
Eating fish, soy, or proteins helps in the production of keratin which helps to grow your hair faster and stronger.

4. Scalp massage with oil
If you experiencing the hair loss for a long time so its time for scalp massage. This is the best exercise which increases the blood flow in your scalp, It also helps your hair follicles remain active. This will help your hair to grow as well as your hair will be very stronger. The best oil for scalp massage is lavender or sesame oil.

5. Garlic juice, onion juice or ginger juice
Rub this juice on your scalp for better nourishment. Rub this juice on your scalp leave it overnight and wash it out in the morning. Do it regularly for a week and you will see this result within a week.

6. Keep yourself hydrated
Drink 7-8 glass of water daily. Stay hydrated for the better growth of healthy hair. Drinking more water helps to remove all the toxic present on your body and keeps your body clean.

7. Rub green tea in your scalp
Research shows rubbing green tea into hair helps to control hair loss. All you need to add two bags of green tea in one cup of water. Use that mixture on your scalp leaves it for an hour. To see results practice this regularly for a week.

8. Avoid smoking
Smoking affects very badly to our lungs, It also reduces the flow of blood towards the scalp which results in loss of hair, It also decreases our life span, a single cigarette can result in 2 min decrease in your life span.

9. Stop Drinking Alcohol:
It affects the growth of the hair and no proper function of the liver of excess of taking alcohol. So stop doing this.

10.Exercise Daily:
Exercise daily at least a half-hour in a day keeps you fit and healthy, It helps in the release of the hormone which helps in the hair nourishment and growth.

11. Keep your head sweat-free
Normally men having oil hair, During summer sweating and oil hair increase the chances of hair loss. So it is advised to use shampoos that contain aloe Vera and neem can keep your head cool and prevent dandruff.
One of the reasons is men who wear a helmet mainly suffer from hair loss. As the sweat accumulates in the pores which makes the root hair weaker. So wearing a scarf over your hair can prevent the hair loss.

12. Keep away from chemicals
Avoid hair colour because it is not good for your hair and scalp. When you are experiencing hair loss it is advised not to colour your hair. Normally hair colour contains ammonia which makes your hair thin result hair loss so if it is very necessary to colour your hair then try to use a good brand of hair colour.

13. Avoiding brushing wet hair
When hair is wet it is a very weakest state. The chances of hair loss increases. Use your fingers to comb or brush. This is the best practice for you.

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