Dimples of Venus (Back Dimple): Cause and More

The back dimples called dimples of venus. This name is generally accepted by the medical community. This name comes from the Roman goddess of beauty as back dimples are often associated with beauty in women. Back dimples are nowadays very common in women. Sometimes losing weight can help you to cause back dimple to become more prominent.

Dimples of Venus (Back Dimple) Cause and More

As dimples of venus are located on a part of the body that doesn’t have very many muscles, it can be difficult to make these indentations appear more prominent through muscle building alone. A better way to naturally achieve the look is through diet and fat loss.

In terms of beauty, you may observe that some people have their dimples pierced to add a touch of whimsy. This has become a trendy practice among women so they can accentuate their looks with low rise jeans, short tops, or bikinis.

Back Dimples (Dimples of Venus) Causes

According to people dimples are generally thought to be genetic but till now there is no proof or evidence for this. There has been little research done on this back dimples like what genes may be linked to dimples.

Does everyone have dimples of Venus?

Having dimples on venus is considered special for quite a few reasons. Possessing them is said to bring blessings and good luck. The most interesting tidbit, however, is that these tiny dents are known to be an erogenous zone for the frisky! The presence of back dimples is said to be the reason for heightened pleasure during intimacy. This is due to their connection to healthy circulation in the pelvic region. Lovers like to press them and affectionately call them “thumb handles”, signifying how they hold their mates.

In terms of beauty, you may observe that some people have their dimples pierced to add a touch of whimsy. This has become a trendy practice among women so they can accentuate their looks with low rise jeans, short tops, or bikinis. Corset makers use back dimples as a measuring marker around the hips for proper fitting. Although women and men both can have them, dimples of venus seem to be an attractive trait in women. If you’ve never paid attention to them on yourself or anyone else, perhaps the dimples of venus has inspired you to check them out.

Are back dimples genetic?

According to people dimples are generally thought to be genetic but till now there is no proof or evidence for this. There has been little research done on this back dimples like what genes may be linked to dimples.
According to Scientist, lean athletes typically have a body fat percentage of 8for men and 10 for women. These are the sculpted bodies that we see in the media with back dimples. The average body fat percentage in the U.S. is 25% to 36%, so a layer of adipose tissue might be covering many potential dimples.

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As back dimples are located on a part of the body that doesn’t have very many muscles, it can be difficult to make these indentations appear more prominent through muscle building alone. A better way to naturally achieve the look is through diet and fat loss.

Are back dimples good or bad?

Many myths about back dimples center around their benefit to your sex life.

For example, some people say that women who have back dimples can orgasm more easily because they’re a sign of good circulation in the pelvic region.

Some even claim that people — especially women — can orgasm just from having a partner push on the dimples.

However, there’s no research that suggests these claims are true. Back dimples are caused by ligaments that attach bone to skin. They have nothing to do with blood circulation in the area.

One claim that’s supported by some evidence is that men find dimples of Venus attractive in women.

This may be an evolutionary preference linked to pregnancy-related benefits, such as pelvic stability and the ability to bear weight.

Back dimples vs. sacral dimple

Back dimples and sacral dimples have some similarities, but there are also several important differences.

People with back dimples have a dimple on each side of their lower back, while people with a sacral dimple usually just have one dimple. It’s above the crease in the buttocks.

Both types of dimples are usually present at birth.

Both types of dimples are also usually harmless. But while back dimples are purely cosmetic, a sacral dimple is sometimes associated with certain medical conditions, including:


Back dimples — indentations on your lower back — are a fairly common cosmetic feature.They’re caused by short ligaments connecting your pelvis to your skin, but they have no medical implications. Not only are they harmless, but they can even be considered a sign of beauty, especially in women. One claim that’s supported by some evidence is that men find dimples of Venus attractive in women.

As dimples of venus are located on a part of the body that doesn’t have very many muscles, it can be difficult to make these indentations appear more prominent through muscle building alone. A better way to naturally achieve the look is through diet and fat loss.

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