Benefits Of Using Aloe Vera Gel – Side Effect ,Risk

Benefits Of Using Aloe Vera Gel - Side Effect ,Risk

Aloe vera gel now days widely used herbal remedy for improving skin condition. Aloe vera gel is mainly used to heal your skin and it is very safe to use on your face. The gel is derived from plants, Mostly used form for skin conditions is a plant called aloe barbadenisis miler. You can directly use the leaves by breaking then apart and removing the gel then slowly apply this on your face. It is very easier to use.

In case if you have any burn wound then the herbal gel is very effective in curing the wound. Its molecule structure helps heal wounds quickly and minimize scarring by boosting collagen and fighting bacteria. If your skin is too dry then use the gel to make your skin fairer and make it as moisturizing. The pharmaceutical and food industries use the aloe vera gel to get a revenue of more than $14 billion us dollar benefits around the globe.

Each leaf contains a slimy, water-staining tissue. This water-filled tissue is the gel that has so many benefits and healing power. Most of the vitamins , minerals , amino acids, and antioxidants are in this gel. Problems of tooth decay are solved with the usage of aloe vera gel. Using the mouth wash juice helps to reduce the plaque in the dentistry.

Benefits of using aloe vera gel

Healing the burning wound
If you have any minor burns then applying aloe vera gel is very effective in curing. Its molecule structure helps heal wounds quickly and minimize scarring by boosting collagen and fighting bacteria. You need to apply the gel 3-4 times in a day to make it more effective.


Using aloe vera gel helps to prevent sunburn. So make sure you use this as a face mask to protect your skin from the sun. Its molecule structure helps heal wounds quickly and minimize scarring by boosting collagen and fighting bacteria.

Small abrasions
If your chin or forehead having some swelling or burning effect then you can use the aloe vera gel as a remedy to get relief from the pain. This gel has so many good effects on you. Use the 3- 4 times a day. You can use this for better treatment.

If you have any cut on your face or skin then using aloe vera gel will increase the healing rate. Its molecule structure helps heal wounds quickly and minimize scarring by boosting collagen and fighting bacteria. you need to apply for 3-4 times in a day for better results.

In some rare condition like using the gel on the infected skin or cuts will not be a good condition. While the gel has microbial properties. The protective layer can affect the healing process and make the wound worse. So it is better to take advice from the doctor before applying it.

Dry skin
Aloe vera gel absorbs easily and helps to fight against the oily skin. However, it helps to improve the health condition of your skin. If your skin is too dry then use the gel to make your skin fairer and make it as moisturizing. This gel is the best to play the role of the moisturizer.

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In some adverse cases using the Aloe vera gel, products increase the itching or slight burning effect on your skin. you can easily feel the rash or hives on your skin. So it is better to avoid these fake products available on the market. Avoid using this product in a sensitive area.

It reduces dental plaque
Tooth decay problems are solved by using the aloe vera gel. Using the juice for the mouth wash helps to reduce the dental plaque. It is very effective in killing the plaque producing bacteria in the mouth as well as the yeast.

Frostbite is a serious condition that required emergency medical treatment. While If your skin is too dry then use the gel to make your skin fairer and make it as moisturizing.used as frostbite remedy. This helps to heal the bite area very fast. It is better to do a check-up from the doctor about frostbite.

Cold sores
Cold sores develop on the outside of your mouth but using the Aloe vera gel helps to fight against the bacteria and make you feel more comfortable. Apply a small amount of the gel to your cold sore twice a day can increase the rate of healing.

The side effect of Aloe vera gel

1. For food and drug administration doesn’t regulate properly regarding the Aloe vera gel product. This menu’s using the product is not safe, there are so many reports of adverse skin reactions to your doctor for using this product.

2. If you regularly use this product it decreases the natural ability to heal your skin.

3. Using the gel products for the long run increases the itching or slight burning effect on your skin. you can easily feel the rash or hives on your skin. So it is better to avoid these fake products available on the market. Avoid using this product in a sensitive area.

4. If you use the Aloe vera gel on the wound related to surgery then your skin loses the natural healing power which is not a good sign for you.

5. Don’t use the gel on the infected skin. While the gel has microbial properties. The protective layer can affect the healing process and make the wound worse.

6. It may be a source of treatment for the skin but still, there is no enough evidence to support the benefits of using regularly on the skin.


This gel contains most of the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants. Scientists suggest that aloe vera gel is an effective topical treatment for first and second-degree burns. You can directly use the leaves by breaking then apart and removing the gel then slowly apply these on your face. It is very easier to use. Its molecule structure helps heal wounds quickly and minimize scarring by boosting collagen and fighting bacteria. Because of so many beneficial properties, the pharmaceutical and food industries use the aloe vera gel to get a revenue of more than $14 billion us dollar benefits around the globe.

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