Top Fitness Tips To Stay Healthy and Motivated Every Time

Top Fitness Tips To Stay Healthy and Motivated Every Time

1) What is some Good Exercise for the body?

walking- It helps in the cardiovascular exercise which is good for the heart and helps in burning the fat and also reduce the cholesterol. Walking daily can help to burn out 500 calories per hour. It also helps to feel more fresh and energetic.

Interval training
A walk or an aerobic dance adding interval training which boosts your fitness as well as your immunity system which is a very good start for the body to warm up.

Squats- It is very beneficial in building the leg muscles- quadriceps, hamstrings and calves. This drill promotes body-wide muscle building which always helps you to increase your lower body strength for the long run and also shows you have a good figure and you are a healthy person.

Push ups-It is the most beneficial exercise for building upper body strength. Push-ups generally help in building the triceps, pectoral muscles and helps in having wider shoulders. It also helps in strengthening the lower back mussels, if you have back pain or any type of back problem then push-up is good to start for you.

Lunge- It is a single leg body exercise that puts pressure in hips, glutes, quads, hamstring and helps them to strengthen. It is a very good exercise for the lower body. It puts the pressure in your hips and butt along with the hamstrings and quadriceps in your thighs and it your also puts pressure in your back muscles helps them to stabilize during this exercise.

Abdominal crunches- Helps you building the six packs abs and helps you to lose the fat from the belly. It also helps you to build your strength from the core. A study tells 100 crunches a day and a healthy diet can make your belly flat within 15 days.

Bent-over-row- This workout works good for the back muscle-the latissimus dorsi and rhomboids, posterior shoulder, forearms and biceps, spinal erectors and hamstrings which helps to improve your back strength and improve your posture and spine stability and reduce the chances of back injuries. It is a very good work out for the back to remove the back pain.

what is fitness?

It is a Physical state of our brain which help to feel good, which is achieved through proper nutrition and exercise daily.

Why fitness is important?
Doing regular exercise, physical activates and proper nutrition’s helps in building strong muscles and bones. It also helps in improving respiration, cardiovascular health and helps to stay active through the day and reduce risk like diabetes, heart disease and also reduces the chances of cancer. It is enough reasons to do exercise regularly to be fit.

What happens if we don’t do any exercise?
First of all if we don’t do nothing then we will be more vulnerable to so many diseases like difficulty breathing even if doing a little work, fat in belly , heart diseases, increase of laziness, weaken body parts and many more. So it is advice to do so many healthy workouts to be more strong, energetic and fit.

What are the 5 simple exercises you can do at home?

Exercise Daily: Exercise daily at least a half-hour in a day keeps you fit and healthy.

Right Nutrition: Your body needs right protein content and vitamin content to grow your muscle and brain so it is important to choose the right content of nutrition.

Track of calories: Always try to note the amount of calories you are consuming so that you can do your proper exercise to maintain your exact body weight.

Get proper sleep: Normally a body required a 8 hours sleep to properly recharge the body batteries. If you don’t feel energetic then you can’t do work in the rest of the day. It is very crucial to give proper rest to the body. While sleeping so many activities happens inside the body like decrease risk of heart disease, and decrease illness also increase the focus power.

stay motivated: It is very important that we need to flow some positive energy inside the body then only we will be successful in achieving the goals we set for the day. so it is advised to start your day with a positive think which always helps you to first step to be more close to your success.

What sleep does to our body?
Sleep helps us in contributing the immune system and can also balance our immune system which plays a important role to feel good.

What are the 5 healthy habits?
Stop Smoking-smoking affects very badly to our lungs it decrease our life span, a single ciegratte can result 2 min decrease in your life span.

Stop Drinking Alcohol: It affects our liver which result no proper function of liver of excess of taking alcohol. So stop doing this.

Having a Healthy Diet: Do regular physical exercise at least half a hour in a day, prefer to eat more fruits and vegetables which keeps your body more energetic and less toxic and most important don’t miss your breakfast it keeps you more healthy.

Can you maintain your body weight without exercise?
Yes possible you need to follow some tips like eat slowly, drink more water and eat foods with high content of protein and fibre.

How to have a flat tummy?

Steps to have a flat tummy-: What are the 5 simple exercises you can do in home?
Exercise Daily: Exercise daily at least a half-hour in a day keeps you fit and healthy.

Right Nutrition: Your body need right protein content and vitamin content to grow your muscle and brain so it is important to choose the right content of nutrition.

Track of calories: Always try to note the amount of calories you are consuming so that you can do your proper exercise to maintain your exact body weight.

Get proper sleep: Normally a body required a 8 hours sleep to properly recharge the body batteries. If you don’t feel energetic then you can’t do work in the rest of the day. It is very crucial to give proper rest to the body. While sleeping so many activity happens inside the body like decrease risk of heart disease, and decrease illness also increase the focus power.

Stay motivated: It is very important that we need to flow some positive energy inside the body then only we will be successful in achieving the goals we set for the day. so it is advised to start your day with a positive think which always helps you to first step to be more close to your success.

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