Top Beauty Tips And Exercise To Glow Your Skin

Top Beauty Tips And Exercise To Glow Your Skin

Top Beauty Tips:-

1. Exfoliate
It is very hard to keep your glow skin. It always important to moisturiser your skin and ensure skins looks fresh.

2. Stop alcohol and cigarettes
Taking alcohol and cigatettes have a very bad effects to your skin .Doing smoking for a long time increase the toxic level on the blood . Taking too much of alcohol causes skin to dry out and eyes starts looking dull. Quit smoking and drinking fruit beer in moderate level improves your skin’s glowness and lustre.

3. Having sex
Getting down and doing dirty sometimes helps to boost your beauty. Just spending 15 minutes your partner with sex can make your skin glowing and beautiful. How is it works? Basically doing sex increases your blood flow and bring essential nutrients and oxygen to the skin which helps to remove the toxicants from your face.

4. sleep
Normally a body required a 8 hours sleep to properly recharge the body batteries. If you don’t feel energetic then you can’t do work in the rest of the day. It is very crucial to give proper rest to the body. While sleeping so many activity happens inside the body like decrease risk of heart disease, decrease illness also increase the focus power and also helps for the glowing skin.

5.Strengthen your hair with protein like
Keratin which act as a key for glowing the skin as well as hair. The best way to increase keratin in your body by eating protein rich food such as eggs, nuts , seeds, shellfish and meat for healthier growth.

6. Protect your skin
It’s important to protect your skin from harmful rays so it is advise to use sun cream to avoid tan on your face. If you expose your skin on sun rays for a long time it dries your skin and causing it to look dry, dull and flakey. To prevent dry skin you need to moisturise your skin on a regular interval.

7. Doing Exercise
Doing regular exercise, physical activates and proper nutrition’s helps in building strong muscles fibbers, bones and increase blood circulation which improves the your skin glow. It also helps to stay active through the day and reduce risk like diabetes, heart disease and also reduces the chances of the cancer. It is the enough reasons to do exercise regularly to be fit.

What are the 5 simple exercises you can have glowing skin?

Exercise Daily: Exercise daily at least a half-hour in a day keeps you fit and healthy.
Right Nutrition: Your body needs right protein content and vitamin content to grow your muscle and brain so it is important to choose the right content of nutrition.

Track of calories: Always try to note the amount of calories you are consuming so that you can do your proper exercise to maintain your exact body weight which is always important to maintain body structure to look more attractive.

Get proper sleep: Normally a body required a 8 hours sleep to properly recharge the body batteries. If you don’t feel energetic then you can’t do work in the rest of the day. It is very crucial to give proper rest to the body. While sleeping so many activity happens inside the body like decrease risk of heart disease, decrease illness also increase the focus power and also helps for the glowing skin.

stay motivated: It is very important that we need to flow some positive energy inside the body then only we will be successful in achieving the goals we set for the day. so it is advised to start your day with a positive think which always helps you to relase happy hormone inside the body which makes you feel beauty from inside and it is always helps you to bring a attractive smile on your face , which is always more attractive.

Avoid Sugar
Eating lots of sugar can have a negative effect on your skin. so consume on a limit.

Natural ways to glow your skin?

Exfoliate your lips with a toothbrush-
It helps your lips to remove the dead skin present on your lips and promote the circulation of blood on the lips. Otherwise you can use a mixture of sugar and olive oil of equal parts to make your lips more beautiful and attractive.

Use cucumbers and ice water to reduce the darkness of your skin-

take a bowl of ice water and 1 slice of cucumber. Then fill the bowl with water and take a deep breath then dunk your face into the water. This is one of the best ways to moisturise the skin.
Rub your skin with a banana peel-
Take a banana peel and rub against your skin. leave the banana on your face for 10-15 minutes then clean your face with warm water banana helps to absorb the toxicants present on your skin and helps your face to start glowing within a few minutes after taking a face wash.
Use lemon on your face-
Use lemon on your face helps to kill all the bacteria’s present on your skin which helps you to boost your skin towards the fairness.

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